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The students of 2nd year of Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory, teachers for a day

20 Dic. 2020
Área de conocimiento

His pupils have been the students of 1st year of Pathological Anatomy and Clinical Laboratory.

In the laboratory of the Higher Institute of Health Professional Training Claudio Galeno Campus, the roles have changed this week, and is that the students of 2nd year of the cycle of Higher Degree in Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory have ceased to be students to become teachers for a few hours and impart the knowledge already acquired a year ago to the students of 1st year of the cycle of Higher Degree in Pathological Anatomy.

Thus, the ‘new teachers’ have taught their classmates the critical points of microscope management and rapid hematological staining techniques, among many other things. An interesting and fun practice where students have enjoyed and learned at the same time in their work classroom, the laboratory.

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